A simple AR project to start the journey in art education

First thing, I'm so glad I take a new class I'm excited about and finally got a reason and some content to continue my blog👅. The class is Digital Foundations, where we explore the places of technologies in art and art education. Technologies, art, and education! What else could I ask for?

All right. This blog is mainly to document and represent our first assignment and the requirements are as below.
pretty interesting, confusing and inspiring

Since I got enrolled in the class one week later, I was honored to see my classmates' brilliant works before doing my own. And not any two of them use the same materials or techniques! Considering my own skilled technology, AR and VR are the stuff I worked on for my summer internship after taking related course last semester. I created an AR scavenger hunt for N-YHS, you can experience it here if you have downloaded Metaverse on your phone.

So I decided to create a simple responsive project with AR. According to my own interest and the affordances of Metaverse, the AR experience creating platform, I chose "tapping", "sneakers" and "animation" in the table to create a life slogan about running.

When audience first launch the project, they would see a quote from Joan, an Olympic Marathon winner.

 Then they would see a pair of sneakers appearing in their physical surroundings.

And when they tap the button to grab the sneakers,

The animation of a running girl would come out and encourage the audience to run their way out. That's all for this simple responsive AR project.

AR can be responsive, engaging and is really suitable for art education. For example, applying AR in an art exhibition so that audience can read more information about the exhibits through their digital screens, or that they can see the static art pieces move and historical items appear in their own time. Anyway, unlimited possibilities are there in connecting art education and this technology.


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